Celebrating the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem on the way to His Passion “Liturgical celebration is a re-entrance of the Church into the event, and this means not merely its “idea,” but its joy or sadness, its living and concrete reality. It is one thing to know that by crying, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me,” the crucified Christ was manifesting His “kenosis” and His humility. It is quite a different thing to celebrate it every year on that unique Friday on which – without rationalizing it – we know with total certitude that these words, having proffered once, remain eternally real… so that no victory, no glory, no “synthesis” can ever erase them… From the Gospel, we know about it. But it is in the Church’s celebration today that an historical fact becomes an event for us… for me… a power in my life, a memory, a joy.”
–Fr. Alexander Schmemann, Great Lent
As part of these celebrations, we honored one of our parish’s founders, Ginger Jerosh, this past Sunday for her 85th birthday, with a champagne toast and some Lenten refreshments after the Palm Sunday Liturgy. As well, we celebrated Reader Lasha Kvetenadze as he begins his 15th year as our choir director. It was a warm celebration of the kind we have missed for these many months. Many years, Ginger and Lasha!