On October 21, the Parish held its Annual Meeting. This meeting is held each year to allow the parish insight and participation in the administration of St. Andrew’s, to ensure financial oversight and transparency, and to determine the course of the parish’s activities over the coming year, in concert with the rector.
At this year’s meeting, the auditors Edna Fetkowitz and Greg Andruk made several recommendations for simplifying and improving our counting and banking procedures. It was decided that once our parish’s CD investment matures in April, to not renew it and roll those funds into our savings. The year’s finances were reviewed, and showed signs of improved health since the prior year.
Small increases in pay were approved for our rector and choir director.
A new parish Council was elected for the 2012-2013 administrative year; these names will be forwarded to our Diocesan Hierarch, Bishop Michael, for confirmation.
Reports were heard from the Church School, Sisterhood, President, and Rector. A discussion regarding the parish’s obligation of assessments to the Diocese and OCA was held. Detailed [Draft] Minutes of the meeting’s proceedings are available by request from Fr. John.