Upcoming Services & Events

The Journey to Pascha, 2025

Weekend of March 2 – 3
Sunday of Cheesefare / Forgiveness Sunday

Saturday: Great Vespers & Confessions, 7:00 PM
Sunday: Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM, followed by Cheesefare Brunch;
Forgivness Vespers, 12:30 PM

Monday, March 2
Pure Monday, 1st Day of Great Lent
Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, 7:00 PM

Tuesday, March 3
2nd Day of Great Lent
Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, 7:00 PM

Wednesday, March 4
3rd Day of Great Lent
Presanctified Liturgy, 7:00 PM
followed by communal agape (meal)

Weekend of March 8 – 9
The Sunday of Orthodoxy

Saturday: Great Vespers & Confessions, 7:00 PM
Sunday: Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM, and procession with the holy icons, followed by Coffee Hour.

Wednesday, March 12
Presanctified Liturgy, 7:00 PM
followed by communal agape (meal)

Weekend of March 15 – 16
Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas

Saturday: Great Vespers & Confessions, 7:00 PM
Sunday: Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM, followed by Coffee Hour.

Wednesday, March 19
Presanctified Liturgy, 7:00 PM
followed by communal agape (meal)

Weekend of March 22 – 23
Sunday of the
Holy Cross
Saturday: Great Vespers & Confessions, 7:00 PM
Sunday: Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM, followed by Coffee Hour.

Tuesday, March 25
Great Feast of the Annunciation to the Theotokos

Monday, March 24: Vesperal Divine Liturgy, 7:00 PM
Note: we will celebrate this feast on its eve, Monday Mar. 24.

Wednesday, March 26
Presanctified Liturgy, 7:00 PM
followed by communal agape (meal)

Weekend of March 29 – 30
Sunday of St. John Climacus

Saturday: Great Vespers & Confessions, 7:00 PM
Sunday: Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM, followed by Coffee Hour.

Wednesday, April 2
Presanctified Liturgy, 7:00 PM
followed by communal agape (meal)

Weekend of April 5 – 6
Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt

Saturday: Lenten Retreat with Fr. Sergius, Abbot of St. Tikhon’s Monastery, to be held at St. John the Theologian in Shirley, NY, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: Great Vespers & Confessions, 7:00 PM
Sunday: Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM, followed by Coffee Hour.

Wednesday, April 9
Presanctified Liturgy, 7:00 PM
followed by communal agape (meal)
Note: in our parish practice, this will be the final Presanctified Liturgy of 2025.

Friday, April 11:
40th and final day of the Great Fast

Saturday, April 12:
Feast of the Raising of Lazarus
Festal Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM, followed by a lenten brunch, confessions, cleaning, and assembly of palms.

Weekend of April 12 – 13:
Great Feast of the Entrance into Jerusalem (‘Palm Sunday’)
Saturday: Festal Vigil & Blessing of Palms, 7:00 PM
Sunday: Festal Divine Liturgy, 9:30 AM, and procession with palms, followed by Coffee Hour.

Week of April 14 – 19:
Great & Holy Week

Sunday, April 20:
Holy Pascha, the Feast of Feasts

a Great Feast of Christ or the Theotokos
(one of the Twelve Great Feasts, and other feasts of Christ)

a “Vigil-rank” feast for a saint
(a major celebration for which Vespers & Matins are combined)

a “Polyelei-rank” feast for a saint
(a celebration at which the ‘Many Mercies’ is sung during Matins)

The symbols above denote the ‘rank’ of the feast being celebrated, as used in the Typikons (the books containing liturgical instructions for the year) of the Orthodox Churches.