O Apostles from all the ends of the earth, who have gathered here in Gethsemane, bury my body, and Thou, my Son and God, receive my spirit! – Exapostilarion of the feast
Continue reading The Dormition of the Mother of GodCategory: Announcements
The Transfiguration of Christ
This week, we will celebrate the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ upon Mount Tabor. The feast is August 6; we will serve a Vesperal Liturgy on Monday evening, August 5, at 7:00 PM, followed by the traditional blessing of fruit.
The blessing of fruit is a pious custom which finds its roots in the desire of the faithful to bless the first-fruits of the harvest, which become ready around the time of the feast. There is a poetic connection between the harvest and the Feast, as we see the tilled earth transfigured in the beauty of the fruit which comes forth from it, just as we see the beautiful fruit of our spiritual labors emerge in our lives. Below is an article written by Fr. John about the feast, from a past edition of The Cupola.
Continue reading The Transfiguration of ChristThe Feast of Holy Pentecost
Blessed art Thou, O Christ Our God / Thou hast revealed the fishermen as most wise / By sending down upon them the Holy Spirit / Through them Thou didst draw the world into Thy net / O Lover of Man, Glory to You!
– Troparion of the Feast
The Feast of the Ascension
O Christ God, Thou hast ascended in Glory, granting joy to Thy disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit. Through the blessing they were assured that Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world!
– Troparion of the Feast
We will celebrate this feast with the Vesperal Divine Liturgy on Wednesday, June 12, at 7:00 PM.
Memory eternal: +Peter Andromanakos
With sadness, but with hope in the resurrection, we share the news of the falling-asleep in Our Lord of the newly-departed servant of God +Peter Andromanakos. Well known to our community, Peter is a faithful Orthodox Christian and in recent years frequently prayed with us.
Continue reading Memory eternal: +Peter Andromanakos